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2021Catalog International Oil Painting Biennale, Shenzhen
Selected Work: Landscape of Emotions – „It hurts me!! You hear that quiet red heartbeat!!“
color, Page 049, ISBN 878-7-5494-2327-9.
Dundakova CITY OF NOW project Produced by CICA Press, Gimpo, Korea ISBN 979-11-88671-12-0 03600 Posthuman: New Media Art 2020 Page 78-81 Color
National Art Museum of China Beijing. A COLORFUL WORD AND A SHARED FUTURE ISBN978-7-5213-1035-1age 410 color. Selected Work: Painting „THE SOURCE“
2018Brasilea Foundation, Basel. The collection catalog
Arte perpetual establishment; Maria Dundakova„Hey Wave!“ project.APE collectet by Brasilea ISBN 978 3 9525001 0, Page 239-241color

Brickworks Museum 35th Report of the Brickworks Museum Foundation
Publisher: Brickworks Museum Ziegelhütte, CH-6332 Hagendorn/Cham, 2018.
Maria Dundakova «Urban Sky –Architecture of Of The Feelings. Projekts «At home – The house of Ballads». Directorate for Education and Culture of the Canton of Zug. ISBN 978-3-9524723-2-3
2017Catalogue of the Geumgamng Nature Art Biennale
Selected Work: project I GO, „THE PATH“ ( with color illustr. ) Page 216, 235 ISEN 978-89-93531-25-1
Catalogue of the 9th From Lausanne To Beijing international FIBER ART Biennale Exhibition & Symposium, Venu: GUAN SHAN YUE ART MUSEUM, SHENZHEN, China, Published by China Youth Press, Page 130 ( with color illustr. ) Sponsored by China National Arts Fund
Catalogue of the NATURE ART BIENNALE BREATHING ART Video exhibition « Water »  Video installation; Nobody under the Sun, Gravitation Rhythm, Tropical Flow. Page 103 (with color illustr.) published by Geumgang Nature Art Biennale Committee
ISBN 978.89-93531-22-0
Duration Sep.24 -15 October
Foreign Languages Press ISBN 978 -7-119 – 09589 – 9
Page 158 -159, 477. (with color illustr.)
Maria Dundakova Switzerland
Page 6, (with color illustr.) Published by Polish Art Foundation,
Inc. ABN 27 927 270 627
2013Catalogue of the GEUMGANG NATURE ART BIENNALE 2013 – 2014 “Horizontally Growing Trees“ page 120-121(with illustr.)South Korea, ISBN 878-89-93531-16-9
2013Sculpture Magazine review May 2013 – YATPP Biennale – John Grande Gongju, South KoreaNature, Human Being & Sound The 5th Biennale of Art and Nature SCULPTURE MAGAZINE 1633 Connecticut Ave NW 4th floor, Washington DC 20009, P: 202.234.0555  F: 202.234.2663Bozzetto04_Dundakova
2013Bozzetto Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur Zürich N° 4 «Eiszeit»
CRITICA Zeitschrift fürPhilosophie und Kunsttheorie

CRITICA-ZPK Ausgabe I/ 2013
emphasis: human–nature contributions: Simona Venezia | Wolfram Bergande | Claudia Simone Dorchain | Sander Wilkens | Sandra Markewitz | Alexander Roth | Sandra Mann | Eliana Heredia | Stefanie Kettel | Eric Decastro | Maria Dundakova | Annegret Emrich | Jürgen Krause publication date: 15. März 2013 issue I/2013 is available as E-book (open-access) and in print now: www.critica-zpk.net. The order address for printed versions is: bestellung@critica-zpk.net. The issue mainly contains essays and articles as well as contributions from artists on/to questions concerning the relation of subject and nature. Furthermore it  entails essays specifically concerned with questions in the field of art-theorie and aesthetics.
2011/12Catalogue  ART WITH CHOCOLATE Museum Ritter From the cycle  „La vie douce, la vie amère“ page 50-53 (with illustr.),  Samlung Marli Hoppe- Ritter, D.7111 Waldenbach, GermanyVerlag, Das Wunderhorn,ISBN 978-3-88 408-2Catalogue of the GEUMGANG NATURE ART PRE BIENNALE Nature, Human Being & Sound, Page 66 – 67(with illustr.), ISBN 978-89-93531-13-8 South KoreaBook THE TIME IS NOW, PUBLIC ART OF THE SUSTAINABLE CITY, LAND ART GENERATOR INITIATIVE  UAE, Abu Dhabi Maria Dundakova Project Sun rite “Gravitation”p.168-173 (with illustr.),  Update Regarding Land Art Generator Initiative 2010Book Published by Page One, NY USAThe ISBN number is: ISBN 978-981-428-675-6 Catalog 6th INTERNATIONAL DRAWING BIENNALE MELBOURN, AUSTRALIA. www.polishartfoundation.org
2010Solar-Kunst-Kraft-Werk Eingabe für Wettbewerb mit ZHAW Unterstützung
Heinrich Stülpnagel 16:52 on 23. Dezember 2010:
Die Künstlerin Maria Dundakova hat mit der Unterstützung des Ressorts F&E und dem ZHAW Solarexperten Franz Baumgartner einen Betrag zu einem Wettbewerb eingereicht. In diesem Wettbewerb der Arabischen Emirate geht es darum, ein Kunstwerk zu kreieren, welches nachhaltig ist und gleich auch Energie produziert.
2009KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, Bd. 195, Januar-März 2009, HOT SPOT TROPEN, 9 HOT SPOT RIO DE JANEIRO, Maria Dundakova, „Beach Buddha Dance“, p.182-3 Document as PDF
2007Catalogue GEUMGANG NATURE ART PRE-BIENNALE, Gongju, South Korea; Project „Hey wave!“ YATOO Edition: 1000, ISBN 978-98-956524-9-7
2006Catalogue GEUMGANG NATURE ART BIENNALE, Gongju, South Korea; Project „The singing mountain“, soundscape, p. 66-67 (with illustr.) and p.137; Editor: The Organizational Committee of Geumgang Biennale, Edition: 2000, ISBN 89-9565524-5-4
2005Catalogue PARADOSSI DELL’AMICIZIA: Un dialogo sull’arte tra Svitzera e Italia, Rumore & silenzio, Arte & Vita, Lo & te, Qui & là, textes: Domeniko Lucchini, Paolo Bianchi and Barbara Fässler: Maria Dundakova, „What’s your name?“, p. 34-37, editor: Electra, Instituto Svizzero di Roma & Centro Culturale Svizzero di Milano, Milan, Italy; ISBN 88-370-4525-5
2003KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL (Artforum International), Vol. 167: „Theories of Waste“ 2003, p.152 picture; Paolo Bianchi, editor, Köln, Germany
2000BADENER NEUJAHRSBLÄTTER 2000, Der Kern und die Frucht – Project “Sun Rite“, p. 22-27 (with illustr.) Baden
1998Art Magazine KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL (Artforum International) Vol. 142 Lebenskunstwerke LKW (Life Art Work), p.130–139 (with illustr.); texte : „The Poetry of Rites“ by Antonio Orlando, p.130-139 with pictures, Köln, Germany
1997Art Magazine LETTRE INTERNATIONALE, 1997, „Maria Dundakova, Sun Rite-Baptisme“, vol.14, p. 91-96 (with illustr.), France
1996/95Magazine ARTIS, Zeitschrift für neue Kunst, 1996, Okt./Nov., text Annelise Zwez, Maria Dundakova at Frauen Kunst Forum Bern, p. 60-61(with illustr.), Bern, Switzerland
1993/94Art Magazine TURIKUM, Schweizer Kultur und Wirtschaft, vol. 24, 1993/94, texte: Antonio Orlando: Die Welt und Ihre Zyklen: Interview with Maria Dundakova, p. 43-53 (with illustr.), Switzerland
1994AARAUER NEUJAHRSBLÄTTER, texte: Annelise Zwez: Mythologie entsteht im Menschen: Zum künstlerischen Schaffen von Maria Dundakova, p. 102-123, Aarau, Switzerland
1993Magazine for Architecture WORLD ARCHITECTURE, The International Academy of Architecture, Vol. 23, texte: Georgi Stanishev The Space of ritual, Interview of Maria Dundakova, p. 88-93, (with illustr.), London, England
1991General catalogue of the 21a BIENAL INTERNATIONAL DE SAO PAULO, general curator: Joao Candido Galvao; texte: Robert Th. Stoll, p. 44 -45 (with illustr.) and p. 208- 209; Fundaçao Bienal de Sao Paulo; editor: Marca d’agua ltda, Sao Paulo, Brazil, ISBN 85 85 118-10-5
1990/91 Art Magazine „+ – 0“, vol. 56/57, 1990-1, p. 26-27. (with illustr.), texte: Stephane Rona: Interview with Maria Dundakova, Bruxelles, Belgium
 1990 Catalogue of the GROSSE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG MÜNCHEN 90, Haus der Kunst, p. 463, (with illustr.), Munich, Germany
1989Catalogue PAPIER WIRD KUNST, 1989, p.15 –16 (with illustr.), Kornhaus, Bern, Switzerland Art magazine KUNST & HANDWERK 4/89, texte: Heidi Schneider: Die Geschichte des Ziegels … von der Erde …über die Wüste, p.244-246, Düsseldorf, Germany
1988Catalogue SELEST ART 88, Arts contemporains, “Le papier dans tous ses états”,p. 49, Sélestat, France Catalogue of the 1st INTERNATIONAL MAKE-UP-ART, Congress Centre, Basle, Switzerland, p.11-12 (with illustr.)Catalogue „ART BOOK“, Galerie Heidi Schneider, 1988, Horgen, SwitzerlandCatalogue of the „KONSTMÄSSAN STOCKHOLM ART FAIR“, 1987, p. 69 (with illustr.), Sweden
1988Catalogue SELEST ART 88, Arts contemporains, “Le papier dans tous ses états”,p. 49, Sélestat, France Catalogue of the 1st INTERNATIONAL MAKE-UP-ART, Congress Centre, Basle, Switzerland, p.11-12 (with illustr.)Catalogue „ART BOOK“, Galerie Heidi Schneider, 1988, Horgen, SwitzerlandCatalogue of the „KONSTMÄSSAN STOCKHOLM ART FAIR“, 1987, p. 69 (with illustr.), Sweden
1985Catalogue „SIGNES – ECRITURES DANS L’ART ACTUEL“, Art, Vidéo & Cinéma, p.18 (with illustr.), FIAG, Paris, France
1983/84Catalogue „PAPIEROBJEKTE – Eine neue künstlerische Sprache“, 1983/84, Museum Bellerive, Zurich & Musée d’Arts Décoratifs, Lausanne, Switzerland, p.19-20 (with illustr.), textes: Rosmarie Lippuner and Sigrid Barten.Art Magazine SPEKTRUM, Internat. Vierteljahresschrift für Dichtung & Originalgrafik, 1983/84, Nr.100, Centenary number, p 21-22 (with illustr.) Zurich, Switzerland
1981/82Catalogue SALON ECRITURES, Grand Palais, 1981, p. 17 (with illustr.), Paris, France
1980/81Catalogue MODERNE GRAPHIK INTERNATIONAL, 1980/ 81, p. 69 (with illustr.), ISBN 3-570017 18.4, Zug, Switzerland
1980Catalogue SALON LA LETTRE ET DU SIGNE, Grand Palais, 1980, p.12 (with illustr.), Paris, France Catalogue SALON ECRITURES – Ecriture et images, 1980 (with illustr.), Centre d’Art, Le Président d’Honneur: Gérard-Philippe Broutin, Président: Roland Sabatier 34, Rue du Louvre, Paris, France
1979Catalogue SALON ECRITURES 79, Ecritures 79, President d’honneur: Isidor Isou, Fondateur: Maurice Lemaitre. Musée du Luxembourg, 1978, p.19 (with illustr.), Paris, France ISBN 2 – 85982 – 048 – 5
1978Catalogue L’ESTAMPE AUJOURD’HUI 1973 – 1978 Bibliothèque Nationale, Cinq années d’enrichissements du déparement des estampes et de la photographie, p.175, Paris, FranceISBN 27177 1460 X Catalogue SALON LA LETTRE ET LE SIGNE – Expression de tous les domaines de la Culture et la Vie, Assosiation internationale de la lettre et du signe. Musée du Luxembourg, 1978, p. 12,27 (with illustr.)
1977Catalogue SALON ECRITURES, LA LETTRE ET LE SIGNE, „L’eclatement de L’écriture dans l’espace“. Lettrisme, Hypergraphie, Art Ifinitésimal, Mécaesthetique, Art supertemporel, Art Corporel, Lettriste, Polythanasie, Art Action, Participation. President d’honneur: Isidor Isou. Musée du Luxembourg, 1977, p.11,23 (with illustr.), Paris, France
1976Catalogue TEXTILES APPLIQUES, FABRIC-COLLAGE, Musée Château D’Annecy, 1976, p. 3 (with illustr.), Annecy, France Catalogue AKTION BLUMENHALDE, 1976, p. 50-51(with illustr.), texte: Peter Killer, Aarau, Switzerland